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A Call To All PAVERART Compass Lovers!

Mark Olivito

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

I can't go more then a few days at PAVERART without walking past a Compass Rose design. I'm always amazed at our client's creativity and how we always seem to see a new design tweak, color combination or even a new installation twist. A few examples below.

Receiving our clients installed photos is like being a kid on Christmas morning!

I have written a ton about how I believe the Compass is a metaphor for finding your direction in life. I've even written about it to our Brick by Brick Apprenticeship people......that the compass is the ultimate career metaphor. You can check out that article over on our Brick By Brick site:

Most people tell me I think to deeply about this topic!

So rather than me speculating on the power of the Compass Rose, I would LOVE some feedback on why YOU love the Compass Rose! If you've purchased one, or are simply drawn to one, I would love your top of mind thoughts!

What draws you to the compass rose collection?

What comes to mind when you walk past your compass?

What feedback do you receive when people notice it?

What other feedback do you think is useful for us to know?

PAVERART, team, core values, small business
PAVERART Superheroes Shirts: Grit. Grind. Hustle. Repeat.

As a token of my appreciation, I'll mail you a large "PAVERART Superheroes T-Shirt" that has been pug approved for the first 25 responses with your compass pic. Since we are not in the shirt business we only have large sizes, and if we get more than 25 responses we'll keep your address for future shirt runs.

Thanks for following the PAVERART Journey!

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PAVERART Compass Rose Rope Band

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PAVERART Color Design Simulations

patio compass, nautical compass, paverart, inlay, outdoor living, compass rose
PAVERART Compass Rose

patio compass, nautical compass, compass rose, stone compass, outdoor living
Compass Rose Diamonds With Rope Band

paver compass, paverart, compass rose, nautical compass
The Shark Compass Design Versions

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Brian's PAVERART Shark Compass

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Polaris PAVERART Custom Compass Designs In Process

compass rose, paverart compass, compass rose paver kit
The Polaris Customized Compass Rose


Thanks for submitting!

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(856) 783-7000


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