For 2 decades+, December brings a mix of emotion, activity, planning and celebration. Throw in a dose of anxiety for all things business related and it makes for an interesting month!
Last December in 2022 I communicated a "CROSS-ROADS" moment in PAVERART's history. We had to make a choice to get to the next level, or NOT. We put all of our chips into the middle of the table and plunged forward, and I detailed that here:
So at the end of 2022 we began that work, and it carried into Q1 of 2023with the installation of our third, brand new piece of cutting equipment, and the build-out of our dedicated engraving facility. And for fun, we move offices! The makings of chaos indeed.

We got new SWAG: PAVERART superheroes updated with our crew.

By March we were set. 2 new Facilities with Engraving and PAVERART Stable, and Now Rolling.
Buckeye Lake Yacht Club, Dodge City Community College, Saint Anthony's High School, Ericson Senior Living At Highland Springs (Labyrinth), Leonardtown Maryland, and a few Residential PAVERART designs.

As we progressed through 2023 one thing became obvious:
Our Engraving Business used to "compete" with our PAVERART business. They would fight for space, resources and talent. Now, with 2 buildings and 2 separate manufacturing spaces something odd started happening: We worked better TOGETHER.
Custom Military Compass Rose with engraving, Toms River Police Memorial and Engraved pavers, Delaware County Veteran's Memorial and the Windsor heart Project, LOVE WINS!
PAVERART designs are one of a kind, built to last with Wow Factor. But when we can combine those projects with engraving they become that much more special, and also better for our clients.

A quick video of the Toms River Police Department Project:
I love seeing pics of our PAVERART work INSTALLED. They put a huge smile on my face.
Something slightly better? Pictures of humans. With smiles, laughter and doing the hard work we do everyday.
Small but noteworthy: When you own a business, you become invested in not just team, but the team's FAMILY. Going through my camera roll I couldn't help but smile at a few pics of Greyson.
Mike turned 70, the King of Pavers had a banner made proclaiming him such.
Potato (French Bulldog) visited the office and brightened days and Mr. C worked a visit to PAVERART into his cross-country journey. I'm inspired by Joe and grateful for his friendship.

2 new family members (babies!) have entered into our crew members' families. We got to mee Nick Jr who made his appearance to the world in May!

A couple of thoughts on GROWTH.
I've often quipped: IF growing a business were easy, everybody WOULD. But it isn't.
The challenge with MAJOR cross-roads type projects with massive investment? You need a significant step up to make it all work. That can create stress and new behavior for people to adjust too for it all to work out. None of it is easy.
Looking back on 2023, and any year over the past 20+ for that matter, the look backs always come back to people. I've been blessed to work with great people. Even the more challenging situations I try and look back with gratitude.
PAVERART occupies a unique and challenging place in the world.
Most wall street types want nothing to do with a business like ours. And that makes me smile. But it also reminds me that the stakes are high to build a business where are best days are ahead of us.
PAVERART enters decade #3 in 2024. And I couldn't be more excited to see what this team brings to the world.

Thank you for following our journey, and best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2024.