Over the course of 18+ years in business, many of the conversations we have over a variety of markets tend to repeat themselves.
So we've finally taken the opportunity to document the process from start to end, from design considerations to the final installation of the design.
Brief Summary
Brian designed the Custom Shark Compass for his home, and you'll hear the back story and considerations on the first 3 videos below. These conversations happen with Landscape Architects, Homeowners and Contractors on nearly every PAVERART design:
What Design is possible?
What kind of colors & paver type?
How big should it be?
How complicated/time consuming is the installation?
With PAVERART, people quickly see a few elements RARELY found in the world of Outdoor Living: "Crazy Cuts" and unique color. Those 2 elements = PAVERART.
In the back of their mind: "How complicated will this be to install?" Very fair question we hope these videos will address.
Mike & Brian have a combined 30+ years of experience dealing with all aspects of PAVERART and will lead you through each of these steps.
In short: The below 5 foot diameter design took 3 hours from start to end. HOWEVER, we were shooting a video in this process, AND we had to make a run to the local supply store. BUT, Brian has years of install experience with thousands of square feet of paver installations under his belt, so the delays may off set that.
Long story short, less than a half day to install the PAVERART, depending on size is VERY realistic.
So here we go.....
After you decide on a design we help you experiment with color combinations. Tell us the base colors you'd like to incorporate and we'll provide you with design versions.

Design Considerations
How Did This Design Come To Life?
Color Selection
Sizing Considerations
Cutting The Design In: Draw A Circle, Cut The Circle, Remove The Field Pavers
Cleaning Up The Cut-Out & Adjusting For Height Differences
(IF needed)
Assembly of the PAVERART Design
What happens if things go wrong (common problems)?
The Final Steps: Polymeric Sanding