Some PAVERART designs are just a little extra special. Our Armed Forces Medallion fits into this category.
Not much needs to be said, but when the Stars & Stripes of our country's great flag are surrounded by our 5 great Armed Forces....
Air Force
Coast Guard
And a simple yet powerful saying:
"Lest We Forget"
A phrase used in remembrance ceremonies for soldiers that died in war, the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
Remembering, holding dear, and thanking our great military heroes is one of those unifying themes in our country.
When I walk through our factory and see a design like this.....well lets just say it is hard to feel sorry for myself, but EASY to have a healthy dose of gratitude. Freedom is a wonderful privilege, and of course is not Free. Designs like this always remind me of that.
PAVERART Designs like this Inlay are key elements beautifying memorial courtyards across the country.
The video at the bottom is one I've visited a few times over the past couple of years: Veterans Memorial Park in Asbury Park NJ. Beautiful engraved pavers, The huge American Flag and our "Proud to Be American" design in the center of the courtyard. The Eagle, the wavy Flag and...
"Proud to Be American"
I marvel everyday at the unbelievably challenging year 2020 has brought our country, and the world for that matter. It seems like every turn we seem to be saying "now what?."
I've learned to be grateful for the simple things in life. I'm lucky to work alongside a dedicated, hard-working and talented team at PAVERART. They take pride in our craft and getting better each day, often under challenging circumstances. In many ways, I think of PAVERART as a small slice of America. Things don't come easy, but we stay at it. It's been that way for 17.5 years and counting. GRIT.
Walking through our factory on days like yesterday remind me of all that is good, and possible.
As an entrepreneur, I've got a pretty massive optimistic streak in me. Even in challenging times like 2020, I think our country's best days are ahead of us.
Building anything is not easy. It happens one hard step at a time. Or, as they say: Brick by Brick. Pun Intended.