Social Media provides a built-in platform to engage with your consumers. It’s almost impossible to predict what gets conversations going, but a recent Instagram Post did just that….

Paverart_llc Instagram
The basic questions……
Can I get that in 4 feet x 4 feet’?Is it painted?How long will it last?
The answers are pretty simple.
This design can’t be made in a 4 feet by 4 feet dimension if this same level of detail (lines, stars, etc) is desired, an 8 feet by 8 feet piece is no problem or we can remove some level of detail. Maintaining the structure/durability of the smaller pieces is key for a design that lasts a lifetime.
Paint? We have a funny little saying here:
“We don’t allow a can of paint within 75 miles of our shop!”
Paint, as we all know fades, our pavers are specially made, color pigmented and designed to last multiple decades.
How Long will it last? Another funny saying:
“We’ll all be long gone and the Paverart will still be in the ground and looking good!”
Being hyper responsive on social media needs to be as natural as breathing…
But then I thought of a dear old friend of mine, who had another funny saying:
“If you want to know how the lion lives, go to the jungle, not the zoo!
As my friends voice rang in my head, I decided, IT’s TIME FOR A FIELD-TRIP! Lets see what this piece looks like 12 years after install…
First step, go to the customer records and get an address1) The shipment address was the Department of Public Works (DPW), NOT the location of the installation. Better call up the DPW and get the address.
Lesson #1: Always keep great records of not just your customer, but your CUSTOMER’s customer, in other words, the end user.
2): Can’t seem to get anyone on the phone! Might as well just drive over.3): DPW was very friendly, but they didn’t know where the design was installed. They referred me to City Plaza, few blocks up the road. Time to get some steps in!4): City Plaza did not know either, but they said if they had to guess, it’s installed at the Public Library. More Steps, next stop!5): The Public Library did not have the piece, and the people there did not know, but Rita was extremely pleasant and gave me another phone number. Time to walk back to the car, empty handed!A funny thing happened on my walk back to the car. Rita called my cell, and said she found the attached article and wanted to know if I’d like to come back and pick it up, it has the address! Woo-Hoo!http://asburyparksun.com/memorial-day-services-honor-city-veterans-firefighters/ALAS! The library helped identify the location of the installation! She also introduced me to a gentlemen that actually worked on this project years ago, bonus!
Off to Veteran’s Park, Asbury Park NJ.
Lesson #2: Keeping BETTER records of the STORY behind the project is even MORE important. Reading the article Rita shared with me brought back the true meaning of what we were actually building: A TRIBUTE to our country’s Veterans, the people that defend our freedom daily. That matters. That touches people. That’s makes getting out of bed in the morning worth it.
Lesson #3: Going above and beyond in service always matters. Anytime I think of Asbury Park, the image of Rita and how she helped me will always come to mind. What’s that worth to a business?
The stroll through Veteran’s Park….
To say that I was pleased with “Proud To Be American” by Paverart, 12 years after the initial installation, was an understatement.
Our acid test is a simple question:
“Is this Built To Last?”
When we see a decade+ go buy and we smile, we know we are doing things right.
Veteran’s Park, Asbury Park NJ Paverart
Veteran’s Park, Asbury Park NJ Paverart
Last, while walking back to the car, look what I discovered! The talent of great artists never ceases to amaze me.
Asbury Park Mural, Main Street
Lesson #4: Beauty exists all around us. Sometimes you just need to get out of the office and go on a long walk to discover it.
A walk-through Video of the PAVERART "Proud to Be American"