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The Eagle: America's Symbol Of Strength, Freedom & Legacy

Mark Olivito

Updated: Mar 3

It's Superbowl week in America. Lots of hype, and anticipation for a uniquely American event, or dare I say holiday. This one carries a bit of extra significance with the Philadelphia Eagles representing the NFC, and that's PAVERART's home team.

We are also honored to have built some signature work for the Eagles at one of their stadium entranceways.

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philadelphi eagle design
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Philadelphia Eagles Entrance - PAVERART!

I started thinking about Eagles in general, this week went down the PAVERART archive rabbit hole and the internet abys at the same time.

I've always called the Bulldog the unofficial mascot of PAVERART, for key reasons:

  • We've done a bunch of them for schools and bulldog lovers. And besides, who doesn't love a bulldog?

  • They simply have what I call "stopping power," in our shop. When the get cleaned and photographed, they tend to draw a crowd of PAVER-artists. When our guys stop and admire a PAVERART design I've learned to pay special attention.

BUT......when looking at the cold hard facts, the EAGLE has shown up in our archives at a greater rate than the BULLDOG!

Nearly 20 times I've seen some version of an Eagle, and for a business where 90% of our work is completely custom, that is a bunch! Here's a sampling of various Eagle Designs installed and they cut across a bunch of markets (homes, Fire Departments, Veteran's Parks, Schools).

paverart eagles
custom paver design
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hardscape design
PAVERART Eagle's In The Real World

America's Symbol!

Few symbols in American culture are as powerful and enduring as the eagle. The internet rabbit hole enlightened me to the fact that the Bald Eagle has been adopted as America's emblem and national bird since 1782. In true American style this did not happen without controversy and a fair degree of debate, but the Eagle nonetheless prevailed and endured!

A PAVERART Design Icon

This year at PAVEART we worked with the Village of Byesville OH to create the "We The People" design. We love it, it screams freedom, liberty, history all at the same time. Old Glory, The Eagle gripping a founding document. I can not wait to see this installed!

we the people by paverart
patriotic design
outdoor living
"We The People" By PAVERART

Just this week we had an interested PAVEART customer reach out to us looking for a personalized monogram and asked the normal questions related to bringing a design to life (how much, how long, questions on durability, etc.). I answered those questions and attached our 2025 Homeowner's gallery.

As often happens, as a prospective client learns a bit more, their vision changes, expands, and evolves as they see a slew of past designs and client feedback. Next thing you know we are moving from a Monogram to......wait for it, a combo design featuring guess what?

And now we have, the Freedom Flight Design!

paveart freedom flight
paverart custom design
NEW: PAVERART's Freedom Flight

And the Actual Finished Freedom Flight, just like we drew it up!

hardscape design,
eagle art, paverart, outdoor living
PAVERART Freedom Flight


We'll see if Philadelphia has another Superbowl Victory in them.

But the Freedom Flight will be brought to life regardless of who wins, and we are grateful for that.



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